Tag Archives: #support

Picking Your Battles: What are You Truly Fighting For?

I could potentially go into several blog posts on this topic…and I just might. If you have worked with a team at any level, I’m sure this bit of criticism isn’t unfamiliar. So what manager, nay, what person who has a different opinion doesn’t speak up when it matters to that person? Well, presumptuously the […]

A Leader’s Ultimate Rejection: No Followers

What is a Leader without Followers? Well, not a leader, sadly. It’s like being a parent without children or a teacher without students; one cannot exist without the other. Lucky for the ones willing to be leaders, with the amount of different opinions in the world a leader can likely find at least one follower…even […]

Let me be my own Leader!

What change isn’t scary? Especially if you’re a young(er) leader trying to win over the hustle and bustle of modern-day industry with “fresh” ideas. Expectations can be set high; and the bigger they are, the harder they fall. So, how can a young manager conquer these new challenges in an exciting, new chapter of one’s […]

Support the Earth, not just America

With uncanny perfect timing, I have started my final Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate (GREC) class, (Principles of Sustainability for Business Application), in the same week that our new president has suspended funding for all research being conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency. Why? To “undergo an unspecified internal vetting process before sharing their work outside the […]

Layoffs to Layups: Where Can We Find the Positive

This topic is treacherous territory to implement, much more even to debate. My experience with this dark and gloomy concept has usually been where I’m the one getting the pink slip, (side note: it’s usually a single layoff and not inclusive with a mass one). Each time it’s happen to me, I’ve been devastated even […]

“Why treat your teammates like customers?”: Lessons from Bob

First: sorry (again) for the long hiatus; I’ve officially completed my MBA after finishing my last semester completing four classes and experiencing my first peak season in the e-commerce industry…I survived, (i.e. I’m making a T-shirt for myself with that slogan)! I will thoroughly miss my time in the classroom and I anticipate the knowledge […]

Leadership: A choice, not a title

First, I’d like to apologize for my long hiatus; into my last semester of my MBA and starting a wonderful new job has captured my attention into those endeavors instead of purposely writing about my thoughts on personal and professional development. However, even though I am still 3 weeks away from completing my MBA and […]

Providing Employees with the Right Tools: An Economic Perspective

In my recent Econ of the Firm class in my MBA program, we discussed certain laws including one of diminishing returns. This law simply states that the value gained from each additional resource obtained will eventually decline after a certain number of resources are obtained; hence it’s not economically feasible to continue purchasing more of […]

Unlimited Vacations: Too irresponsible?

I am about to begin my third week at my new job with Jet.com and I’m still grasping how they’re able to offer some incredible benefits, most obvious would be the unlimited vacation or paid time off, (PTO). I mean, you’re probably thinking what I am: who does that?! Especially since I already work 4-10’s […]

What’s the limit for benefits?

I just started my first day at my new job with Jet.com and I couldn’t be more excited! This new startup environment has me jumping on my toes because it’s SO new to me: new industry, new company, new role/position. During the first bit of training, I almost felt dumb because I didn’t know any […]


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Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.



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